Here are a few recent news stories about interesting projects being taken on by student governments. Razorback Action Group to Advocate for Students The University of Arkansas Associated Student Government has launched the Razorback Action Group, a project to advocate for the student body at the local, state, and national level. The group will begin by advocating for increased funding for scholarships and other higher education programs. UMCP Brings Back Grocery Shuttle The University of Maryland Student Government Association is bringing back a short-lived program that provides a weekend shuttle between major campus apartment complexes and a local grocery store. Many students in the apartments opt out of the campus dining plan and prepare their own meals, but lack easy access to a grocery. Students Call for Improvements to Blue Pole Program The Castleton State College Student Government Association is urging improvements to the network of blue security poles on campus. SGA leaders found that many students weren’t sure how to use the blue light system, and that even when used properly the response time by campus officers to distress calls was too slow.